Have you ever wondered what ingredients are used to make the deodorant you use on your body? Deodorants are used to make you appear more pleasant by masking the odour that might come from you.
However, with growing knowledge and awareness of what one is putting inside their body, natural things are becoming more and more common. People have seen that some deodorants use substances that can cause harm in the long run and lead to sweatier and smelly pits.
This blog will tell you everything you need to know about natural deodorants.
How Do Deodorants Work?
Body odour comes as a result of the bacteria in your pits. When you sweat, the bacteria feed off your moisture, and then the waste resulting from sweat creates the odour you smell.
Deodorants contain compounds that kill off the bacteria that eat away the moisture you produce. The remaining molecules are left with the fragrance in the deodorant.
Deodorant Vs Antiperspirant
Deodorants and antiperspirants, while both working to reduce odour, have differences.
Where a deodorant kill off the bacteria in your pits and masks the remainder with its fragrance, an antiperspirant stops you from sweating. The substance, an antiperspirant, plugs up the glands in your pits and creates moisture, therefore stopping you from sweating.
Most commonly, in stores, you may come across a hybrid of deodorant and antiperspirants. That's good, right? Kill two birds with one stone?
It might not be as good as you think. You see, the bacteria in your pits, yes, do cause body odour, but they also help protect you from other harmful bacteria and diseases. By killing these, you might give birth to new bacteria, which ultimately might smell more or cause your pits to smell in the long run.
This is why you should use natural deodorants or natural antiperspirant deodorant.
What Is a Natural Deodorant?
Natural deodorant is an alternative that many people are now using to promote the health of their pits and to make sure their body’s ecosystem doesn't crumble. You might be asking what makes an all-natural deodorant natural.
Natural deodorants do not use synthetic and artificial ingredients. As a matter of fact, there are three main components that make up a natural deodorant:
1. Natural ingredients to combat moisture. This includes materials like arrowroot, cornstarch, or baking soda.
2. Ingredients like tea tree oil or coconut oil which act as a disinfectant.
3. Essential oils, such as lavender, for a pleasant smell.
If you are looking for a good natural deodorant, then we have a big collection of them. Choose from one of our Natural Deodrants as your first one.
Key Ingredients You Will Find in an All Natural Deodorant
The above more than likely would have given you a good idea of what ingredients to look for when choosing an all-natural deodorant. But here is a complete list of things you can look for in a natural deodorant.
· Baking soda
· Arrowroot powder
· Shea Butter
· Coconut oil
· Essential Oils
The Process of Transition from Traditional To Natural Deodorant
When you are making a shift from traditional deodorants or antiperspirants to natural deodorants or natural antiperspirants deodorants, it will take a bit of getting used to. Your body might sweat even more than usual during the initial stages as it adjusts to the new substance and detoxifies itself. But eventually, it will be alright and be able to mask the body odour naturally.
During the time when your body is detoxifying itself, you should drink lots of fluids and keep yourself hydrated. By drinking a lot of water, it can help flush out the toxins in your pits faster. Along with drinking water, you should also keep your pits regularly clean. Use water and soap to clean your pits regularly. Also, you need to gently exfoliate your underarms one or two times a week.
Now, finally, all you need to do is wait and give it time. Remember, your body is transitioning and getting used to the new substance.
Sweat On!
It's also important to remember that natural deodorants do not plug up your sweat glands in the underarms. They only help mask your smell. This means that even when you apply these deodorants, you will continue to sweat. However, this is alright.
It's alright because this will help you keep your natural scent, which most people don’t want eliminated. Once your pits reconfigure their ecosystem, they will continue to sweat and mask the scent.
Benefits of Using Natural Deodorants
Using natural deodorants and natural antiperspirant deodorants has many benefits. Some of them are listed below:
· Traditional deodorants contain chemicals like aluminium chlorohydrate, which are harmful; using all-natural deodorants eliminates this.
· Many of these deodorants come in eco-friendly materials. This means that most of them come in biodegradable tubes or recycled material, which is good for the environment as it reduces plastic use.
· By using these natural deodorants, you are allowing your body to sweat naturally. You do not block your sweat glands, thus allowing your body to naturally detox.
· Just because they are natural doesn’t mean they don’t have a pleasant scent. Natural deodorants contain essential oils which help to provide a subtle fragrance without using any sort of synthetic fibres.