Dry, cracked skin around the heels not only looks bad, but it can also be painful. Many people have to put up with the condition and choose to hide it with socks or stockings. But during the summer months, this becomes more difficult and uncomfortable. So it's no surprise that people start looking for remedies as the weather starts to warm up.
The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the condition any more. A number of effective treatments are available which can help soothe the pain and prevent cracked skin from forming in the first place. So now you can put away those socks and wear your summer footwear with confidence!
Causes of cracked heels
Cracked heels are caused by a lack of moisture in the skin, causing it to dry out. When the outer layer of the skin dries, it hardens, causing a thick layer of calluses to form. Intense pressure caused by walking combined with the friction from shoes causes this dry layer to crack.
The problem is often compounded by wearing ill-fitting shoes, not moisturising your feet, taking overly long hot-baths or showers, using harsh soaps and cleansers and wearing shoes with thin soles. Making adjustments in these areas can reduce the build-up of calluses, but it's unlikely you'll be able to prevent the condition altogether.
How to prevent cracked heels?
Traditional preventative treatments for cracked heels involve applying a layer of Petroleum Jelly based substance following a shower. This may help to re-hydrate the skin and prevent further dryness and cracking, but these treatments typically only work for a few minutes following application. It won’t fix the underlying problem or provide a long-term solution; not to mention that you’re slathering a bunch of chemicals onto your body.
So what is an effective way to prevent, soothe and heal cracked heels, naturally?
We recommended the use of a protective barrier and/or natural skin cream to help prevent irritation while moisturising and nourishing your skin. At Natralus we’ve created two amazing formulas Hand & Skin Shield Liquid Gloves and Hand and Skin Shield Intensive Repair.
Our Liquid Gloves protective barrier cream locks out external skin irritants while simultaneously moisturising your hands and feet beneath the invisible skin protection barrier. The cream absorbs quickly int your skin, it’s invisible, yet effective barrier for lasts for up to 4 hours and protect the skin against 100’s of irritants that may be causing your heels to dry out and crack.
If you are already suffering from cracked heels, you've probably tried the traditional methods for removing calloused, dry skin, only for it to return a few days later. If that’s you, we recommend trying our Hand & Skin Shield Intensive Repair cream.
Formulated to repair calloused skin which has become dry and cracked Hand & Skin Shield Intensive Repair combines intensive exfoliation and hydrating technology to remove dead skin cells while re-hydrating the skin. This leaves your feet feeling soft and smooth while reducing the appearance of dry, cracked skin in as little as three days. This will leave your skin feeling wonderfully smooth and soft to touch. You simply apply the cream before you go to bed and cover your feet with cotton socks. The formula then gets to work while you sleep, helping to soften hardened skin cells and replace vital nutrients. The formula is so effective it is proven to show visible results in just three days.
Other measures you can take to prevent cracked heels
By taking good care of your feet, you can prevent cracked heels from appearing in the first place. However, sometimes even this may not be enough. If you still suffer from cracked feet despite moisturising them every day using our products, the following tips may help:
Wear cotton socks
Natural cotton socks are a great way of letting your feet breathe while also absorbing moisture. This helps to decrease friction and prevent your skin from drying out. However, you should avoid wearing wool or synthetic fibres because these can irritate the skin and compound the problem.
Ensure your footwear fits properly
The best way of preventing dry cracked skin on your heels is to ensure your footwear fits properly. Ill-fitting footwear increases friction, causing dryness and sores. You should also match your footwear to the season, while it may be tempting to wear flip-flops in the winter, doing so, leaves your skin exposed to the cold air which can dry out the skin further.
The natural touch
All Natralus skin care products are manufactured from natural ingredients sourced from organic farms across Australia. None of our skincare products contains any petrolatum or parabens based ingredients and is free from both Glycol and PEG. This ensures that only organic ingredients pass through your skin, into your blood and lymph system. A natural moisturiser is not only better for your skin and well-being, but it’s also better for the environment as well. No oil based products are used in the manufacturing process and all the ingredients we use are grown organically using sustainable farming methods.
For added peace of mind, no Natralus product has ever been tested on animals. We operate a zero tolerance of cruelty to animals policy. So you and your family can relax knowing that the skincare products you purchase from us are manufactured using both ethical and sustainable methods.
The Natralus Promise
Because we know that many beauty treatments over promise and under-deliver, at Natralus we back all our health and beauty products with the Natralus Touch Promise. If, following application, you find that any of our products fail to meet one of the following three standards, we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked:

- We only use natural, organic, ingredients which have NOT been tested on animals.
- Our formulas are guaranteed to work, achieving noticeable results on your skin
- Our products are designed to provide lasting results. (Your treatment will keep working for hours instead of minutes)
By following the above advice along with implementing a daily skincare routine using Natralus Hand & Skin Shield Intensive Repair Cream; you can reduce the build-up of calluses which cause cracked heels. This ensures your feet are ready for summer!