Simple steps to natural skincare

Simple steps to natural skincare

The beauty industry has an ugly side. Each and every day, the beauty industry exposes its consumers to an exhaustive list of potentially toxic, carcinogenic ingredients. What's even worse is most of the time consumers are completely unaware that they're putting a whole lot of chemicals onto their body when they apply their favourite moisturiser.

Unsurprisingly, as the ugly truth is revealed and as sustainable shopping continues to be a popular choice, natural, organic skincare is what many people are turning to. And, for very good reason. Green beauty products are far better for your skin, using only the best organic ingredients nature has to offer. Plus, they're also an environmentally sustainable choice. There's no chemical run-off into the ocean that can be potentially fatal to marine wildlife so you can feel great knowing your skincare choice is helping not only you but the world at large.

So then, how do you make the switch to natural skincare? It sounds amazing but what about if you have a cabinet filled with cosmetics that you're unsure about? Well, we have compiled a list of three simple steps that you can follow to ensure you're moving away from the nasties and towards the clean and green goodness that is natural skincare.

Number 1. Audit your entire cosmetic collection. Make sure you have a few hours handy.

Check the ingredients on every label and for whatever item listed that you’re unfamiliar with, have a google. See what results turn up. If the ingredients are chemicals, potentially harmful or carcinogenic, simply chuck them out. Continue the process until you’re left with products with ingredient lists you can pronounce and know of. For any skincare products that don't meet your new, natural standards, be sure to give their packaging a rinse and repurpose them in other ways.

Number 2. Start making new relationships with natural, cruelty-free and organic certified skincare brands.

Get to know skincare brands. Have a look at their ethos, learn about what their mission is and do some digging to work out whether their values and yours align. Make sure to be thorough with this step. Many brands can seem to be super clean and green when really they’re not at all. 'Greenwashing' is what that's called and it's something to look out for. Greenwashing refers to a brand or company's misleading and inaccurate claims about their own environmentally sustainable practices when in reality, their company is far from being eco-friendly. So be a clever, conscious, consumer and know what you’re looking for. If there are just a few statements about being green and not much more, proceed with caution.

However, the great news is there are so many incredible people and brands doing truly brilliant things in the world of natural skincare. With the endless benefits of plant-based ingredients for your skin and growing consumer awareness of how good natural products really are, there's never been a better time to make the switch to organic skincare.

Natralus is an example of a natural skincare brand you can trust. At Natralus, we believe in skincare that offers long-lasting results. Skincare products using preservatives and petroleum can be harmful to your skin. That's why we source all our ingredients from Australian-run organic farms to ensure what you put onto your skin is wholeheartedly good for you. It's seeking out information like this that makes the difference between truly understanding a brand and believing inaccurate greenwash.

What's also important to know is whether a skincare brand is cruelty-free. Each year, hundreds of thousands of vulnerable and innocent animals are subjected to unnecessary torture in science labs for the testing of cosmetics. There's absolutely no excuse for putting these animals' welfare and livelihoods at risk. By ensuring you only support cruelty-free brands such as Natralus, you're making an active consumer decision by saying no to brands that test on animals.

Always remember that as a consumer you have the power to support the values you believe in and turn away from brands operating in unethical ways. By doing so, you can feel proud to know you're buying power benefits not only you but also animals and the planet. So, be sure you know the values and practices behind the skincare company you're supporting to ensure their values align with yours.

It's about being a savvy, informed and environmentally-aware consumer.

Number 3. Embrace clean, green-beauty and enjoy the results that follow.

You might be surprised at just how healthy, glowing and radiant your skin feels once you’ve got rid of all those nasties and you’re only putting on the best ingredients nature has to offer you.

Spread the word and help others make the switch to all-natural, clean skincare so a whole lot of goodness and love can be shared to both people and the planet. It's as simple as hosting your own lunch where each of your guests can bring three of their favourite skincare products and as a group, you can audit your cosmetics together to see whether they pass the test of being chemical-free and all-natural. Sipping on champagne under the sun in your favourite frock whilst you embrace the world of green beauty is the perfect way to socialise whilst also sharing the importance and rewards that can come from natural skincare.

If holding a lunch isn't your thing, you could simply help your friends and family by letting them know what products are best to steer clear of and those that are great to use. Great change always begins with small steps and any advice or guidance you offer to assist others in their switch to natural skincare is incredible in itself.

So enjoy the journey as you move away from toxic, synthetic products and towards natural, organic skincare that's good for both you and the planet. We're sure these three simple steps are the perfect foundations to help you on your way.